We strive to live Biblical Christian lives that reflect the grace and truth taught by Jesus and found in Scripture.
If you would like to join in this journey, we welcome you to join us!
We have several opportunities for you to connect with Jesus and connect with others.
Sundays at 9:00 AM
Through worship, God comes down and connects with His people through His Word and the Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion). We hear His Word each Sunday during the worship service and are able to connect with Him. God reaches to all who hear His Word, showing His love, grace, and mercy. God offers us forgiveness through Confession and Absolution given by the Pastor and through the Sacrament of Holy Communion offered each Sunday.
It is with joy and humility that we come to worship eagerly awaiting God’s grace, forgiveness, and blessings. In return, we are reminded of His promise of forgiveness of sins and eternal life. God desires all to be saved and therefore invites all people to hear His Word.
As disciples (followers) of Christ, we join in continuing to grow in the faith. We believe that we are never finished learning and that God continues to shape us and grow our faith so that we can best reflect Him in all that we do.
In order to grow, we participate in various spiritual growth opportunities:
Sundays after worship:
Coffee & Conversation
Join pastor in this casual atmosphere that focuses on various topics of interest and spiritual growth. This happens in Faith Hall (a.k.a. The Connecting Point Cafe) each Sunday at 10:15 am. This session is always interesting and very engaging.
We believe that caring for one another is a very important part of the Christian life. As such, we are creating opportunities to care for one another and the community.
One of the biggest ways that we care for one another is to pray for each other. We always encourage everyone to pray for Christ’s church, to pray for the pastor, and to pray for the members of the congregation. We also encourage everyone to pray for the community and all those in need both physically and spiritually.
We believe that we are to serve one another to make sure that all of our brothers and sisters in Christ are cared for in body and spirit.
Des Plaines Self-Help Pantry – Immanuel encourages members to contribute to the local food and clothing pantry in Des Plaines. We have a collection station in the church that is regularly taken to the Pantry to help those in need in the community.
We also encourage our members to individually participate in community support activities throughout Des Plaines. Some of these activities include (but are not limited to):
P.A.D.S. – some members participate in providing and serving a free meal at St. Mary’s Catholic church for this aid to the homeless people in Des Plaines.
Meals on Wheels – some members participate in a rotation of taking meals to elderly persons in Des Plaines who are homebound.
As Christians, we should be so filled with love from Christ and hope in Him, that we want to share it with everyone! We encourage all Jesus-followers to share the hope of Jesus Christ that is within them. Let’s let everyone know the Gospel! Jesus died and rose from the dead so that all people can come to know Him and have eternal life with Him.
We believe that Jesus gave His followers this job to do: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28: 19-20). This is known as the Great Commission.
Because God desires all people to be saved, sharing the saving grace of Jesus Christ and His forgiveness with others is one of the most loving, caring things we get to do as Christians (the obligation of the Priesthood of all Believers). Immanuel encourages all of its members to share the Christian life and the saving grace of Jesus Christ with people that they come across in their everyday lives.